Lindahl Weimer, Ebba Kristina
Born 1893-12-12 in Danmark [1] .
Died 1949-06-06 in Albogatan 4, Husie (M) [1] .
Ebba Kristina Lindahl Weimer.
Born 1893-12-12 in Danmark [1] . Died 1949-06-06 in Albogatan 4, Husie (M) [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1914-06-13.

Fritz Weimer

Born 1891-10-15 in Tryde (L).
Died 1950-01-11 in Albogatan 4, Husie (M) [1] .

Odöpt flickebarn.

Died 1937-05-31.

Lars Johan Weimer.

Born 1925-03-29 in Husie (M) [1] .
Died 1957-08-14 in Finlandsgatan 12, Fosie (M) [1] .

  1. Sveriges dödbok 1947-2003

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