Christensson, Lars
Born 1792-03-06 in Kåseberga, Löderup (M).
Died 1836-05-30 in No 3, Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .
Lars Christensson.
Born 1792-03-06 in Kåseberga, Löderup (M). Died 1836-05-30 in No 3, Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .

Relationships and children


Signe Andersdotter

Born 1784-07-27 in Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .
Died 1848-12-17 in No 3, Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .

Christian Larsson.

Born 1819-01-10 in No 3, Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .

Anders Larsson.

Born 1821-09-04 in No 3, Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .
Died 1860-03-18 in No 9, Hörup (M) [1] .

Eljena Larsdotter.

Born 1826-01-02 in No 3, Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .

  1. Husförhör

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