Trulsdotter, Arna
Born 1713-04-30.
Arna Trulsdotter.
Born 1713-04-30.

Relationships and children

Married 1738-12-10 in Hörup (M).

Anders Troensson

Born 1716-05-04 in Örum, Hörup (M) [1] .

Anna Andersdotter.

Born 1741-11-08 in No 4, Örum, Hörup (M).

Mätta Andersdotter.

Born 1743-09-25 in No 4, Örum, Hörup (M).

Jöns Andersson.

Born 1746-12-17 in No 4, Örum, Hörup (M) [2] .

Una Andersdotter.

Born 1752-03-24 in No 4, Örum, Hörup (M) [2] .

  1. Födelsebok
  2. Husförhör

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