Andersdotter, Cecilia
Born 1803-10-22 in Hofterup (M) [1] .
Cecilia Andersdotter.
Born 1803-10-22 in Hofterup (M) [1] .

Relationships and children


Ingel Persson

Born 1791-01-03 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Per Ingelsson.

Born 1828-05-18 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Ingri Ingelsdotter.

Born 1830-07-29 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Elna Ingelsdotter.

Born 1832-10-26 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Karna Ingelsdotter.

Born 1835-01-10 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Anders Ingelsson.

Born 1837-07-03 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .
Died 1838 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Gustaf Ingelsson.

Born 1840-02-23 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

Anna Ingelsdotter.

Born 1843-10-12 in No 16, Hofterup (M) [1] .

  1. Husförhör

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