Persdotter, Anna
Born 1856 in Silvåkra (M) [1] .
Anna Persdotter.
Born 1856 in Silvåkra (M) [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1880 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Nils Andersson

Born 1855 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Olof Nilsson.

Born 1880 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Elna Nilsdotter.

Born 1882 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Anders Nilsson.

Born 1884 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Ida Nilsdotter.

Born 1886 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Johan Nilsson.

Born 1889 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Anna Nilsdotter.

Born 1894 in Revinge (M) [1] .

Ivar Nilsson.

Born 1896 in Revinge (M) [1] .

  1. Disbyt Anders Kyhle

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