Malmgren, Lovisa Ottilia
Born 1892-04-08 in Västerhaninge (AB) [1] .
Died 1984-02-06 in Björnstigen 137, Solna (AB) [1] .
Lovisa Ottilia Malmgren.
Born 1892-04-08 in Västerhaninge (AB) [1] . Died 1984-02-06 in Björnstigen 137, Solna (AB) [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1920-04-04.

William Malmgren

Born 1894-01-31 in Alstad (M) [2] .
Died 1970-08-14 in Klippgatan 16a, Råsunda (AB) [2] .

  1. Sveriges dödbok 1947-2003
  2. Disbyt Annika Hansson

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