Monsen, Anders
Died 1711 in Sjörup (M) [1] .
Anders Monsen.
Died 1711 in Sjörup (M) [1] .

Relationships and children


Kerstina Jönsdotter

Born 1657 in Hedeskoga (M) [1] .
Died 1730 in Sjörup (M) [1] .

Per Andersson.

Born about 1679 in Sjörup (M) [1] .
Died 1735 in Sjörup (M) [1] .

Jöns Andersson.

Born about 1685 in Sjörup (M) [1] .
Died 1773 in Sjörup (M) [1] .

Ingrid Andersdotter.

Born 1688 in Sjörup (M) [1] .

  1. Christer Åkesson Disbyt

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