Andersdotter, Kerstin
Born 1749.
Kerstin Andersdotter.
Born 1749.

Relationships and children

Married 1874.

Jöns Håkansson Matros

Born 1753-02-10.

Pär Jönsson.

Born 1774.
Died 1778.

Zachris Jönsson.

Born 1783-08-13 in Bökebeck, Ronneby kbfd (K) [1] .
Died 1859-07-05 in No 66, Hasselstad, Ronneby kbfd (K) [2] .

Håkan Jönsson.

Anna Jönsdotter.

Born 1791.

  1. Födelsebok
  2. Husförhör

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