Andersson, Karin Gunborg
Born 1912-01-25 in Järbo (X).
Died 1978-01-19 in Trotzgatan 32-34 B, Falu Kristine (W) [1] .
Karin Gunborg Andersson.
Born 1912-01-25 in Järbo (X). Died 1978-01-19 in Trotzgatan 32-34 B, Falu Kristine (W) [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1934-12-31.

Bror Valdemar Andersson

Born 1909-09-17 in Säter (W).
Died 1983-05-26 in Trotzgatan 32-34 B, Falu Kristine (W) [1] .

  1. Sveriges Dödbok 1860-2016

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