Herzogin von Holstein, Hedvig
Born 1400 [1] .
Died about 1436 [1] .
Hedvig Herzogin von Holstein.
Born 1400 [1] . Died about 1436 [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1423-11-14 [1] .

Dietrich (the Fortunate) Graf von Oldenburg

Born about 1390 [1] .
Died 1440-01-22 in Delmenhorst [1] .

Adelheid Gräfin von Oldenburg.

Born after 1423 [1] .

Christian I Kung av Danmark och Norge.

Born 1426 in Oldenburg [1] .
Died 1481-05-21 in Sokkelund [1] .

Gerhard VI Graf von Oldenburg.

Born 1430 [1] .
Died 1499-02-22 [1] .

  1. finnholbek.dk

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