Marklunda, Gammel av
Born about 1560 in Marklunda, Osby (L) [1] .
Gammel av Marklunda.
Born about 1560 in Marklunda, Osby (L) [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1587 in Osby (L) [1] .


Born about 1566 in Osby (L) [1] .

Matthias Gammelsson.

Born about 1588 in Marklunda, Osby (L) [1] .
Died 1664-01-01 in Gylmyre, Osby (L) [2] .

Karna Gammelsdotter.

Born 1595 in Marklunda, Osby (L) [1] .
Died 1671-04-02 in Segudslycke, Osby (L) [2] .

Lund Gammelsson.

Born about 1596 in Marklunda, Osby (L) [1] .
Died 1674-06-01 in Marklunda, Osby (L) [3] .

  1. Familysearch
  2. Sverige, Begravning, 1649-1920
  3. Död- och begravningsbok

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