Harbou, Johannes Vilhelm Antonius
Born 1810-01-17 [1] .
Johannes Vilhelm Antonius Harbou.
Born 1810-01-17 [1] .
F Frederik Hans Walter Harbou.
Born 1765-10-27 in Sokkelund [2] . Died 1832-08-23 in Sleswig [2] .
FF Andreas Harbou.
Born 1726-09-16 in Kirkerup [2] . Died 1798-11-02 in Kiel [2] .
FFF Poul Mathias Harbou.
Born 1692 in Rendsburg [2] . Died 1745-11-02 in Sokkelund [2] .
FFFF Niels Harbou.
Born 1662 [2] . Died 1722 [2] .
FFFM Anna Elisabeth Buchner.
Born 1669 in Vindinge [2] . Died 1730-10-11 in Kirkerup [2] .
FFM Christian Charlotte Didriksdatter Grubbe.
Born 1696 in Skönnet. Died 1752-04-02 in Sokkelund [2] .
FM Friderica Walter.
Born 1734-09-21 in Sokkelund [2] . Died 1826-04-19 [2] .
M Anne Marie Praetorius Callumore.
Born 1777 [3] . Died 1844 [3] .

Relationships and children

Married 1852-07-08 [1] .

Louise Ulrikke Mariane Hellesen

Born 1833-04-08 in Kiel [1] .

Frederik Hans Walter Harbou.

Born 1853-04-17 in Altona [1] .
Died 1918-12-31 in Köpenhamn [3] .

  1. runeberg.org/adelaarbog/1887
  2. Finnholbek.dk
  3. Wikipedia

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