Axelsdotter Bielke af Åkerö, Barbro
Born 1556 [1] .
Died 1624-01-22 [1] .
Barbro Axelsdotter Bielke af Åkerö.
Born 1556 [1] . Died 1624-01-22 [1] .

Relationships and children

Married 1580 [1] .

Gustaf Gabrielsson Friherre Oxenstierna af Eka och Lindö

Born 1551 [1] .
Died 1597-01-18 in Fiholm, Jäder, Eskilstuna (D) [1] .

Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna.

Born 1583-06-16 in Fånö gods, Löt (C) [2] .
Died 1654-08-28 in Stockholm [2] .

Krister Gustafsson Oxenstierna.

Born 1584 [2] .
Died 1607 [2] .

Märta Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna.

Born about 1586 [3] .
Died 1631-08-10 in Viborg [3] .

Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna.

Born 1587-06-15 in Tyresö [1] .
Died 1640-11-27 [1] .

Elsa Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna.

Born 1589 [1] .
Died 1651 [3] .

Margareta Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna.

Born 1591 [2] .
Died 1591 [3] .

Beata Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna.

Born 1591 [3] .
Died 1621 [3] .

Ebba Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna.

Born 1593 [3] .
Died 1663 [3] .

Elisabeth Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna.

Born about 1595 [3] .
Died about 1596 [3] .

  2. wikipedia

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