Index of persons (P - P)

Index of surnames    Index of places

( - A B - B C - C D - E F - G H - H I - J K - K L - L M - M N - N O - O P - P Q - R S - S T - T U - W X - Å Ö - Ö

Palm, Anders (1878-1878) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Anna (1874-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Edward (1885-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Frank (1897-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Hanna (1879-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Hattie (1889-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Mamie (1893-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Margareta Kristina (1773-1824) Pedigree chart
Palm, Nils Jr (1876-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palm, Walter (1891-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Appelkvist, Elsvig Hildegard Johanna (1917-2015) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmer Barhitte, Lilly (1925-1999) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Friberg, Anna Maria (1881-1966) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Johansson, Augusta Sophia (1888-1961) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmer Lampe, Betty Jane (1925-2012) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Liljeholm, Emma Christina (1879-1950) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Lindqvist, Olga Albertina (1891-1980) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Lindstrand, Ida Karolina (1886-1971) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér Olsson, Alma Elvira (1896-1981) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, (-1972)
Palmér, Anders (1871-1893) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Astrid Gudrun Ingeborg (1914-1992) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmer, Betty (1926-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Carl Emil (1883-1964) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Carl Johan (1877-1878) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmer, Elsie (1896-1940) Pedigree chart
Palmer, Gordon Clark (1901-1933) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Inga () Pedigree chart
Palmér, Johan David (1893-1955) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Karl Ivan Lennart (1915-1940) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmer, Nels (1946-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Nils Christian (1874-1957) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Nils Georg Sigvard (1912-1995) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmér, Nora Linnéa (1910-1972) Pedigree chart
Palmér, Ragnar Bertil Valdemar (1924-1982) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmer, Stanley Nels (1909-1987) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmlund, Albert Emil (1877-1969) Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Bengt Anders Krister (1951-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Kaj Ingemar (1943-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Kristina (1988-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Lars Anders Mikael (1965-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Lilian Evy Viola (1954-) Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Maria (1992-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Nils Ragnar (1918-) Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Susanne (1985-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Palmqvist, Yvonne (1942-) Pedigree chart
Palmstedt, Carolina Gustafva (-1875) Pedigree chart
Paulsson, Jon (1817-) Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter Due, Kirsten ((..1400)-(1470..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter Flemming af Liebelitz, Sidsel () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter Grubbe, Juliane ((..1346)-(1376..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter Rytze, Elsebe (1295-1350) Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter Saltensee, Edel () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter Skram, Cecilie (1320?-1392) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter, (1350-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter, Bodil (1757-1831) Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter, Elisabeth () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersdatter, Maren (1734-) Pedigree chart
Pedersen Galt, Gjord (1534-1591) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersen Gyldenstierne til Tim og Ljungby, Knud (1480?-1552) Pedigree chart
Pedersen Harbou af Tordrup, Jens eller Niels (-(1511..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersen Kruse, Laurids (-(1471..1478)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersen Laxmand, Poul (-(1439..)) Pedigree chart
Pedersen Skram, Jacob (1255?-1303) Pedigree chart
Pedersen Thott, Axel (1370-1446) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersen Uldsax, Saxe (1305-1377)
Pedersen, Carl () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pedersen, Ingvar (-1655)
Pedersen, Niels (-1780) Pedigree chart
Pedersson Bååt, Jon (1255?-1314?) Pedigree chart
Pehrsdotter Schönström, Dorothea (1806-1855) Pedigree chart
Pehrsdotter, Anna (-1726) Pedigree chart
Pehrsdotter, Bolla () Pedigree chart
Pehrsson, Nils () Pedigree chart
Pehrsson, Ola (1765-1841) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Permerup, Jan Erik (1951-2002) Pedigree chart
Permerup, Maja (1979-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter Andersson, Johanna (1870-1953) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter Nilsson, Elna (1822-1881) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter Olsson, Hanna (1845-1930) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Agnes (1753-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Agnes (1778-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1754-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1758-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1792-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1805-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1818-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1843-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1851-1933) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1856-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1868-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1870-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1877-1886) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna (1897-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna Catharina (1836-1899) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna Catharina (1838-1847) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna Christina (1878-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Anna Maria (1886-1890) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Arna (1800-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Beata (1881-1883) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Beata Maria (1884-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Benedikta (1806-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1699-1766) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1756-1811) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1762-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1768-1822) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1788-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1800-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1807-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1817-1881) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1818-1840) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1825-1892) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1828-1904) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1835-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1836-1837) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1836-1841) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1839-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1844-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1854-1934) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1855-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1859-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1861-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bengta (1863-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bereta (1815-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Boel (1769-1773) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Boel (1785-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Boel (1812-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Boel (1816-1891) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Boel (1849-1870) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Boel (1870-1870) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Bolla (1824-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Carolina (1866-1949) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Cecilia (1866-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Celia (1861-(1864..1868)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Christina (1835-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elin (1883-1884) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Eline (1874-1875) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Eljena (1775-1840) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1660-1728) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1667-1701) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1724-1770) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1739-1822) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1754-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1764-1765) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1766-1844) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1768?-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1783-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1794-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1809-1875) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1821-1888) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1826-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1830-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1848-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1849-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1854-1879) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1861-1861) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1865-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1869-1871) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1871-1876) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1874-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elna (1878-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elsa (1771-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elsa (1777-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elsa (1861-1861) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Elsa (1862-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Else () Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Else (1829-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Else (1835-1879) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Emilie (1878-1878) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Emma Kristina (1879-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Gertrud (1812-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Gertrud (1819-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Gertrud (1834-1910) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Gunnil (1797-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (-1753)
Persdotter, Hanna (1754-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1761-1828) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1762-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1762-1848) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1795-1873) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1797-1838) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1814-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1821-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1831-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1846-1847) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1851-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hanna (1872-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Helena (1830-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Hilma (1879-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ida (1877-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingar () Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingar (-1709) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingar (1775-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingar (1782-1837) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingar (1801-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingar (1810-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingrid (1687-1755) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Ingrid (1854-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1822-1822) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1844-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1847-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1863-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1865-1872) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1874-1874) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Johanna (1875-1876) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Jören (1772-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karin (1695-1695) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karin (1696-1702) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (-1710) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1672-1760) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1731-1768) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1758-1758) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1765-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1774-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1785-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1788?-1808) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1800-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1802-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1804-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1807-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1809-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1825-1827) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1825-1892) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1833-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1836-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Karna (1864-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kerstina (-1810) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kerstina (1699-1746) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kerstina (1790-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kerstina (1792-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kerstina (1819-1842) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kirstin (1692-1754) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kirstina (1755-1828) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kirstina (1804-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjersti (1765-1831) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjersti (1774?-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjersti (1782-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjersti (1835-1852) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjerstina (1760-1831) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjerstina (1800-1869) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kjerstina (1812-1881) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Kristina (1876-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Magdalena (1842-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Maja (1820-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Malena (1863-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Margareta (-1778) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Margareta (1796-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Maria (1833-1880) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Maria (1879-1880) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Marna () Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Marna (1664-1728) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Marna (1761-1829) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mette (-1801) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mätta (1672-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mätta (1687-1758) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mätta (1764-) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mätta (1771-1773) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mätta (1774-1858) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Mätta (1802-1845) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Pernilla (1833-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Signa (1688?-1721) Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Signe () Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Sissa (1781-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persdotter, Truen (1781-1846) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persidsky, Rodion (1911-1973) Pedigree chart
Persson Ekelund, Jonas () Pedigree chart
Persson Falk, Albert Johan (1871-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Friberg, Astrid Elisabet (1912-2000) Pedigree chart
Persson Frostred, Fredrik Christian (1975-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Glad, Nils (1855-) Pedigree chart
Persson Hansson, Anna Kristina (1899-1991) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Isaksson, Hilma Alfrida (1904-1985) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Jönsson, Maria (1886-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Lundborg, Sven (1830-) Pedigree chart
Persson Malm, Jöns (1797-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Malmberg, Sven (1833-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Mårtensson, Siri Alice (1908-1998) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Nilsson, Betty (1883-1962) Pedigree chart
Persson Nilsson, Kjersti (1871-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Olsson, Ester (1904-1995) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Petersson, Per (1842-1901) Pedigree chart
Persson Pålsson, Edit Josefina (1900-1995) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Roth, Lars (1865-1915) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Schön, Emma (1867-1948) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Snygg, Ola (1801-1870) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Svenesson, Maria Petronella (1890-1975) Pedigree chart
Persson Svensson, Betty Elisabet (1898-1955) Pedigree chart
Persson Ågren, Gunbritt () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson Österlöf, Olof (1827-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Agnes () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Alma Ingeborg (1908-1994) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1766-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1780-1825) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1784-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1789-1816) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1809-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1818-1823) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1828-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1832-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1865-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1867-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anders (1870-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Andreas (1823-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anna Kristina (1883-1974) Pedigree chart
Persson, Anna Maria (1860-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Anna Maria (1901-1972) Pedigree chart
Persson, Anton Harald (1906-1938) Pedigree chart
Persson, Assar (1669?-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Asta Margit Ragnhild (1934-1935) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, August (1859-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, August (1862-1939) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, August (1868-1868) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, August (1869-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, August (1879-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, August (1881-1885) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Axel Hjalmar (1876-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Bengt (1836-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Bengta (1865-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Bengta (1884-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Betty Frideborg (1903-1977) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Botil (1648-1733) Pedigree chart
Persson, Braf Anders (1868-1892) Pedigree chart
Persson, Carl (1839-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Carl Alfred (1882-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Christoffer (1872-1875) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Christoffer (1878-1960) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Christopher (1785-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ebba Altea (1906-1984) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Edvin Sigfrid (1901-1949) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Einar () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Elise (1873-1906) Pedigree chart
Persson, Elise Marie (1861-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Elna (1873-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Elof Martin (1903-1997) Pedigree chart
Persson, Emil (1879-1879) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Emil (1890-1979) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Erik (1789-1864) Pedigree chart
Persson, Erik (1792-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Erik Gunnar (1911-2001) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ester Karolina (1904-1987) Pedigree chart
Persson, Ethel Linnea (1938-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Evald Reinhold (1893-1965) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Gerda Maria (1893-1983) Pedigree chart
Persson, Gert Inge (1936-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Gustaf (1864-1948) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Gösta Albin (1897-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1682-1768) Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1744-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1783-1875) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1789-1869) Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1799-1863) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1813-1840) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hans (1827-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Harald () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Helga (1891-1904) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Helge Wilhelm (1907-1993) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Henrik (1705-1774) Pedigree chart
Persson, Herman Viktor (1893-1961) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hilbert Bernard (1899-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hilda (1883-1896) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hilma Emilia (1895-1951) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Hilma Maria (1877-1953) Pedigree chart
Persson, Håkan () Pedigree chart
Persson, Inga Brita (1922-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ingeborg Kristina (1898-1983) Pedigree chart
Persson, Ingel (1791-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ingemar (1779-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ingrid Margareta Linnéa (1920-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ingvar (1938-1979) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Janne Gustav (1904-1925) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jeppa (1764?-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Joel Leonard (1886-1965) Pedigree chart
Persson, Johan (1836-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Johan (1880-1956) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Johan (1882-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Johan Henrik (1979-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Johanna (1877-1963) Pedigree chart
Persson, Johannes (1827-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Johannes (1872-1873) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Johannes (1876-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, John (1781-1854) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1677?-1762) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1764-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1815-1875) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1834-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1842-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1867-1951) Pedigree chart
Persson, Jöns (1869-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Kjell () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Krister Leif Reinhold (1969-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1752-1820) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1767?-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1799-1799) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1799-1813) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1800-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1805-1870) Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1807-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lars (1838-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lasse (1767-1829) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Lennart () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Magnus (1864-1916) Pedigree chart
Persson, Margit () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Michael (1751-1751) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Michael (1759-1837) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Mickel (1667?-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Måns (1679-1756) Pedigree chart
Persson, Måns (1757-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Måns (1762-1835) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Måns (1782-1806) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Måns (1788-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Måns (1853-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Mårten (1660?-1711) Pedigree chart
Persson, Mårten (1867-1876) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Mårten (1894-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nelly (1869-1931) Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils () Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1763-1815) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1775-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1788-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1790-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1795-1799) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1807-1844) Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1826-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1830-1904) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1831-1913) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1833-1894) Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1841-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1846-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1858-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1861-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1865-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1866-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1870-1936) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1871-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1873-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1873-1965) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils (1890-1975) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils Edvin (1895-1977) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils Gunnar (1898-1982) Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils Jacob (1868-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils Joel (1902-1902) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils Melcher (1884-1885) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Nils-Erik Albin (1950-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola () Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1703-1754) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1709-1712) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1774-1848) Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1789-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1802-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1802-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1804-1857) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1806-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1807-1843) Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1824-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1847-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ola (1865-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Olga Elida (1891-1942) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Olof (1670-1730) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Olof (1680-1765) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Olof (1694-1770) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Olof (1798-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Olof Albin (1889-1894) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Oskar Johan (1898-1975) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Otto (1777?-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1681-1712) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1690-1690) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1713-1761) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1744-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1842-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1865-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1865-1951) Pedigree chart
Persson, Per (1878-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Per Arnold (1907-1982) Pedigree chart
Persson, Per Emil (1893-1962) Pedigree chart
Persson, Peter Ferdinand (1882-1885) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ragnar (1918-1998) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Rasmus (1773-1778) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Rasmus (1781-1784) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Rasmus (1786-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Rasmus (1789-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Robert (1924-2002) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Selma Elise (1903-1995) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Svea () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1765-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1791-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1795-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1797-1871) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1799-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1813-1813) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1821-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1838-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Sven (1874-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Svene (1821-1822) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Svene (1823-1892) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Terry Herman (1890-1980) Pedigree chart
Persson, Truls (1749-) Pedigree chart
Persson, Truls (1756-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Truls (1802-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Truls (1814-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Tufve (1822-1867) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Tufve (1840-1892) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ture Anselm (1901-1997) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Tuve (1772-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Tyke (1765-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Ulla Ingegärd (1932-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Victor Carl Linus (-1890) Pedigree chart
Persson, Åke (1768-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Åke (1840-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Persson, Åke Sigvard (1922-1997) Pedigree chart
Petersdotter, Amanda Annette (1872-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Petersdotter, Matilda (1867-) Pedigree chart
Petersson Liljeholm, Axel Hjalmar (1873-1930) Pedigree chart
Petersson, John Gustav Helge (1936-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Petersson, Lars Göran Lennart (1940-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Petersson, Nils (1819-1869) Pedigree chart
Petersson, Olof Gustaf Adolf (1907-1972) Pedigree chart
Pettersson, Börje () Pedigree chart
Pettersson, Eugenia Carolina (1886-) Pedigree chart
Pettersson, Tommy () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pfalzgraf von Pfalz-Simmern, Eduard (1625-1663) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Philipsdotter Thott, Ingeborg ((1455..)-1495) Pedigree chart
Pligt, Håkan (1823-) Pedigree chart
Plym, Britt Margareta (1946-) Pedigree chart
Plym, Gösta Lennart (1946-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Plym, Sven Tage Artur (1917-1990) Pedigree chart
Poulsdatter Laxmand till Knabstrup, Margrethe (1425?-(1467..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Praetorius Callumore, Anne Marie (1777-1844) Pedigree chart
Prakt, Kerstin (1867-1939) Pedigree chart
von Preussen, Sofie Dorothea Marie (1719-1765) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
von Preussen, Ulrike (1720-1782) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Louise (1724-1751) Pedigree chart
Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Margaret Victoria Augusta Charlotte Norah (1882-1920) Pedigree chart
Princess von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Herzogin von Sachsen, Sibylla (1908-1972) Pedigree chart
Prins av Danmark och Norge, Georg (1653-1708) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prins av Danmark, Ferdinand (1792-1863) Pedigree chart
Prins av Danmark, Joachim (1969-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prins av Danmark, Knut Lavard (1095?-1131) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prins av Lorraine, Charles II (1543-1608) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prins av Storbritannien och Irland, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, Edvard August (1767-1820) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prins av Sverige och hertig av Värmland, Carl Philip (1979-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prins von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Franz August Karl Albert Emmanuel (1819-1861) Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Anne (1574-1619) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Caroline (1747-1820) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Caroline (1793-1881) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Christina (1521-1590) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Dorothea (1504-1547) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Dorothea (1520-1580) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Louise (1750-1831) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Louise Augusta (1771-1843) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Margrethe (1456-1486) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Sofie Magdalene (1746-1813) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark och Norge, Wilhelmine Maria (1808-1891) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark, Alexandra (1844-1925) Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark, Anna Sofia (1647-1717) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Danmark, Benedikte Astrid Ingeborg Ingrid (1944-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av England, Elizabeth (1596-1662) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av England, Henriette Anne (1644-1670) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av England, Mary (1631-1660) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Lorraine, Renée (1544-1602) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Orleans, Elisabeth Charlotte (1676-1744) Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sachsen, Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonora Fransisca Xaveria (1731-1767) Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige samt hertiginna av Hälsingland och Gästrikland, Madeleine Thérèse Amelie Josephine (1982-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige, Birgitta Ingeborg Alice (1937-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige, Christina Louise Helena (1943-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige, Desiree Elisabeth Sibylla (1938-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige, Ingrid (1910-2000) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige, Margaretha Desiree (1934-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa av Sverige, Sophie Wilhelmine (1801-1865) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinsessa von Hessen-Kassel, Marie Sophie Friederike (1767-1852) Pedigree chart
Prinsessa von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, Victoria Marie Louise (1786-1861) Pedigree chart
Prinsessa von der Pfalz, Sophie (1630-1714) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinzessin von Baden, Fredrika Dorothea Wilhelmina (1781-1826) Pedigree chart
Prinzessin von Baden, Sophie Marie Victoria (1862-1930) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Prinzessin von Preussen, Luise Marie Elisabeth (1838-1923) Pedigree chart
Påhlsson, Jeppa (-1748) Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Bengta (1803-1831) Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Elna () Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Elna (1680-1748) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Gunnel (1744-1820) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Hanna () Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Karna (1753-1792) Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Karna (1771-1811) Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Kersti (1884-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pålsdotter, Sissela (1746-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pålsson, Bengt () Pedigree chart
Pålsson, Carl (1886-1957) Pedigree chart
Pålsson, Charlotta () Pedigree chart
Pålsson, Hilda (1868-) Pedigree chart
Pålsson, Pehr (1794-1847) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pålsson, Pär (1738-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pärsdotter, Elna (-1743) Pedigree chart
Pärsdotter, Ingar (1666-1728) Pedigree chart
Pärsdotter, Karna (1797-1870) Pedigree chart
Pärsdotter, Kerstina (1766-1819) Pedigree chart
Pärsdotter, Kristina () Pedigree chart
Pärsson, Börje (-1766) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Pärsson, Lars () Pedigree chart
Pärsson, Måns (1653?-1736) Pedigree chart

( - A B - B C - C D - E F - G H - H I - J K - K L - L M - M N - N O - O P - P Q - R S - S T - T U - W X - Å Ö - Ö

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