Index of persons (F - G)

Index of surnames    Index of places

( - A B - B C - C D - E F - G H - H I - J K - K L - L M - M N - N O - O P - P Q - R S - S T - T U - W X - Å Ö - Ö

Fader okänd, () Pedigree chart
Fader okänd, () Pedigree chart
Falk, Anna Ingeborg (1894-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fasti til Mindstrup, Jörgen Splid (1420?-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fasti, Splid (1389?-)
Filipsson Aspenäsätten Blå, Johan (-1280)
Fleming, Peder (-(1406..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Flemming til Knudstrup, Herman (-(1407..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Flemming til Knudstrup, Joachim ((1396..)-(..1458)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Flemming, Bo ((..1396)-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Flemming, Claus (-(1354..))
Fogelberg Anderberg, Maria Sofia (1864-1947) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Albert Thor (1900-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Anna Matilda (1897-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Bengt Ernst (1881-1955) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Carl Rudolf (1869-1945) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Erik Gösta (1906-1978) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Gustaf Evald (1900-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Gustaf Wilhelm (1873-1964) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Gustaf Wilhelm (1898-1899) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Helga Teresia (1895-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Inez Matilda (1896-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Ivan Karl-Otto (1936-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Johan Axel (1866-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Karl Axel (1901-1972) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Nils Waldemar (1908-1996) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Olga Karolina (1897-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Olof (1834-1923) Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Olof Emil (1871-1911) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Olof Emil (1902-1904) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Olof Evald (1898-1898) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fogelberg, Rut Linnéa (1909-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Folkesson Snivil, Bengt () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Folmersdatter Rosenkrantz til Palsgård, Regitze (1555?-(..1615)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fosterson Carl Gottfrid, Carlsson Greflund (1885-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fosterson Greflund, Johan August (1889-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fouché d'Otrante, Margareta (1909-2005) Pedigree chart
av Frankrike, Claude (1547-1574) Pedigree chart
Fransdotter, Anna Sara Georgina (1910-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fransdotter, Matilda Helena Elisabeth (1903-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fransson, Bror Lars Wilhelm (1906-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fransson, Ernst Johannes Edvard (1898-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fransson, Herbert Erik Ingemar (1919-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fransson, Karl David Ingvar (1909-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fransson, Nils Gustaf Adolf (1900-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson Johansson, Nils Hillver (1886-1967) Pedigree chart
Fredriksson Jönsson, Elna (1885-1978) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Albin (1897-1905) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Anna (1880-1974) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Axel Ferdinand (1916-1917) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Betti (1892-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Betty (1890-1891) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Ellen Linnéa (1909-1910) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Hilma (1900-1983) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Johan (1894-1978) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Johan Algot (1905-1980) Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Karl Axel Ferdinand (1919-1919) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Nils (1887-1979) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fredriksson, Olof (1882-1941) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Freij Ljungvall, Astrid Marianne (1930-2016) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Freij, Hugo Josef Reinhold (1907-) Pedigree chart
Friberg Hansson, Signe Linnéa (1915-1993) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg Persson, Anna Karin Agneta (1951-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Anders Folke (1912-2004) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Anders Göran (1954-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Anna Viola (1917-) Pedigree chart
Friberg, Ebba (1918-1981) Pedigree chart
Friberg, Erik Helge (1921-1991) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Gustaf Malte (1910-1984) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Gustav Alfred (1881-1971) Pedigree chart
Friberg, Inga Evy (1922-1993) Pedigree chart
Friberg, Marie Ann-Sofie (1954-) Pedigree chart
Friberg, Marlene Ann-Sofie (1978-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Nils Gunnar (1905-1989) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Nils Gustav Alfred (1934-2011) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friberg, Thure Algot (1917-2008) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Friherre Oxenstierna af Eka och Lindö, Gabriel Kristiernsson (1505-1585) Pedigree chart
Friis, Christian (-1709) Pedigree chart
Frithiof, Felicia Linnea (1994-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Frithiof, Isabelle (1998-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Frithiof, Per-Ola (1969-) Pedigree chart
Frykholm, Harald (1979-1937) Pedigree chart
Fürst von Werle, Heinrich I (1245-1291) Pedigree chart
Fürst zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Gustav Albrecht (1907-1944) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Fürst zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Richard (1882-1925) Pedigree chart
Fürst zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Richard (1934-2017) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Första hustrun, (-1876) Pedigree chart
Gabrielsdotter friherrinna Oxenstierna af Eka och Lindö, Anne ((1538..)-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gabrielsson Friherre Oxenstierna af Eka och Lindö, Arvid ((1540..)-1585) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gabrielsson Friherre Oxenstierna af Eka och Lindö, Gustaf (1551-1597) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gabrielsson Oxenstierna, Christiern (1545-1592) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gabrielsson Oxenstierna, Erik (1545?-1594) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gabrielsson Oxenstierna, Johan (1557-1607) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt til Palsgaard, Mogens ((1576..)-(..1611)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt til Sönderbygaard, Knud ((1576..)-(1650..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt til Tyrrestrup, Axel ((1576..)-1614) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt til Viumgard og Hörbylund, Gjord (1622-1684) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Anne ((1621..)-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Birgitte ((1576..)-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Folmer ((1621..)-(1656..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Margrete ((1576..)-(1647..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Peder ((1576..)-(1640..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Regitze ((1621..)-(1644..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Sidsel ((1576..)-(1641..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Galt, Sophie ((1576..)-1642) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gammelsdotter, Karna (1595-1671) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gammelsson, Gammel (1667-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gammelsson, Jöns (1663-1717) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gammelsson, Lund (1596?-1674) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gammelsson, Matthias (1588?-1664) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gammelsson, Peder (1664-1665) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gavelstad, Penny (2005-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gavelstad, Peter ()
Gavelstad, Peter () Pedigree chart
Gavelstad, Sara (2009-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gawlik Åkesson, Matheus (2009-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gawlik, Jakob (1974-) Pedigree chart
Gelin, Nils Olof (-1963) Pedigree chart
Gemzaeus, Christina (1683-) Pedigree chart
Genschow, Amalia Dorothea (1817-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Genschow, Gustav Adolf Friedrich (1784-1843) Pedigree chart
Germain, Harmony (2007-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Germain, Marco Maxwell Alexandre (1981-) Pedigree chart
Gertsdotter Snakenborg, Sophia () Pedigree chart
Gertsdotter, Johanna (1822-1882) Pedigree chart
Gertsen Ulfstand, Henrik (-(1439..)) Pedigree chart
Gertsson, Sven (1819-) Pedigree chart
Gideonsdotter Rålamb, Anna Maria (-1760) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gideonsdotter Rålamb, Catharina Charlotta (1691-1761) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gideonsdotter Rålamb, Cornelia Elisabeth (1687-1751) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gideonsson Rålamb, Axel (1673-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gideonsson Rålamb, Claes () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gillisdotter, Margareta (1637-1719) Pedigree chart
Gisladotter Sparre av Aspnäs, Märta (-(1381..)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gjordsdatter Drefeld til Ingelstad, Ingeborg (-1551) Pedigree chart
Glug, Oluf (1130-) Pedigree chart
Glysing, Henrik (1256?-(1323..))
Godscalksdatter Skarpenberg, Inger () Pedigree chart
Gormsen Blåtand, Harald (932-985) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gormsen, Knut ((..932)-962) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gormsen, Toke ((932..)-986) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Graf von Holstein-Plön, Gerard II (1253-1312) Pedigree chart
Graf von Holstein-Segeberg, Gerhard IV (1276-1323) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Graf von Oldenburg, Christian V (1360?-1420?) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Graf von Oldenburg, Gerhard VI (1430-1499) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Graf von Oldenburg, Konrad I ((1298..)-1347?) Pedigree chart
Graf von Reichenbach-Lessonitz, Wilhelm (1824-1886) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Graf von Stade, Lothar Udo II (1020-1082) Pedigree chart
Gram, Maria (1736-1762) Pedigree chart
Granberg Ståhl, Hanna (1872-1947) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg Svensson, Maria (1883-1962) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg, Herman (1871-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg, Herman (1886-1972) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg, Ida Beatha (1880-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg, Ola (1868-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg, Ola (1869-1952) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Granberg, Ragnar (1916-1969) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gregersdotter af Sandbro, Ingeborg (-1413) Pedigree chart
Greve de Laborde de Monpezat, Henri Marie Jean André (1934-2018) Pedigree chart
Grevinna av Salm, Christine (1575-1627) Pedigree chart
Grevinna von Holstein, Hedvig (-1325?) Pedigree chart
Grosherzog von Baden, Leopold I (1790-1852) Pedigree chart
Grossherzog von Baden, Friedrich I Wilhelm Ludwig (1826-1907) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Groth, Anna Margareta () Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Andreas Georg (1786-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Anna Birgitta (1766-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Bengt (1719-1810) Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Bengt Gerhard (1757-(1757..1760)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Bengt Gerhard (1760-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Carl Fredrik (1763-1821) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Elsa Margareta (1761-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Fredrik (1787-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Gertrud Benedicta (1770-1853) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Gertrud Margaret (1790-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Gustava Carolina (1774-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Johan Niclas (1756-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Olof Petter (1765-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Samuel Conrad (1793-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Sofia Magdalena (1767-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gråberg, Tomas (1769-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Hohnstein, Agnes (1360-1347?) Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Holstein-Plön, Elisabeth ((1275..)-(..1319)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Holstein-Segeberg, Ingeborg ((1308..1315)-1347) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Oldenburg, Adelheid ((1423..)-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Reichenbach und Lessonitz, Emilie (1791-1843) Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Reichenbach-Lessonitz, Pauline (1858-1927) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gräfin von Schwerin-Wittenburg, Anastasia (1290-1320) Pedigree chart
Gröndahl Fogelberg, Lilly Ingeborg (1911-1962) Pedigree chart
Gudskasson, Otto (1627?-1700) Pedigree chart
of Guise, Mary (1515-1560) Pedigree chart
Gullander, Elliott (1998-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gullander, Emilia (2003-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gullander, Joel Kim Robert (1994-) Pedigree chart
Gullander, Pierre Valter (1966-) Pedigree chart
Gundesdatter Wind, Margrethe (1220?-1270?) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gunnarsdotter, Bengta (1829-1900) Pedigree chart
Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna, Beata (1591-1621) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna, Ebba (1593-1663) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna, Elisabeth (1595?-1596?) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna, Elsa (1589-1651) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna, Margareta (1591-1591) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsdotter Oxenstierna, Märta (1586?-1631) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson Oxenstierna, Axel (1583-1654) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson Oxenstierna, Gabriel (1587-1640) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson Oxenstierna, Krister (1584-1607) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson Svensson, Ester Cecilia (1894-1952) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Anna Paulina (1897-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Axel Bernhard (1883-1967) Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Carl Gustaf Norbert (1915-1915) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Ernst Gottfrid (1896-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Harald Louis (1900-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Johan Algot (1890-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Johan Axel (1889-1961) Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Johan Rudolf (1892-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Karl Albin (1896-1977) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustafsson, Martin Edvin (1890-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsdotter Sjönström, Oliva (1849-1850) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsdotter Sture, Birgitta (1440-1472) Pedigree chart
Gustavsdotter, Anna (1875-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsdotter, Maria (1848-) Pedigree chart
Gustavsson, Anders (1867-1886) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsson, Lars (tvilling) (1864-1868) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsson, Lars (1870-1888) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsson, Nils (1865-1868) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Gustavsson, Nils (1873-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Guttormsdatter, Elene (1167-(..1212)) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Guttormsdatter, Helena (1167-(1230..))
Gyllander, Östen Uno (1920-1955) Pedigree chart
Göler von Ravensburg, Amalie (1838-1912) Pedigree chart
Göransdotter Schönström, Anna (1867-1934) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransdotter, Elna (1831-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransdotter, Karna (1826-) Pedigree chart
Göransdotter, Karna (1858-1872) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransdotter, Marna (1833-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson Andersson, Christina Maria (1896-1976) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Anders (1837-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Axel Mauritz (1898-1898) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Axel Mauritz (1899-1899) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Gert () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Gottfrid Mauritz (1902-1952) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Gulli () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Göte () Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Hans (1825-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Lars (1828-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Mårten (1821-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Nils (1824-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Nils Alfred (1894-) Pedigree chart Pedigree chart
Göransson, Olof (1879-1962) Pedigree chart

( - A B - B C - C D - E F - G H - H I - J K - K L - L M - M N - N O - O P - P Q - R S - S T - T U - W X - Å Ö - Ö

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